Jumat, 04 Agustus 2017

Form Penilaian

Step Repair Panel of Electricity

The person is repairing the electrical panel. He uses a work tool that is a tespen screw diver,bolds,and other tools. He checked one by one component whetter ther is demage or not. If there is demaged to one of the components he fixes or repleace the demage component. After which h checks wether it is running smoothly or not. When finished the panel is ready to use.


Pronow Sprillins
Screw Diver
Example Seven Letters


4.Curriculum Vitae
5.Job Application
6. Business Letter


Kamis, 13 April 2017

Facture Writing Skills

5w+1h Question

1.What is Facture?
Facture is one of the basic documents as a record for the company sellers and acquirers.This invoice is evidence of sales transactions made on credit and are usually made copies.
2.Where can we write the code and Serial Number in facture?
You can write code and serial number in tax facture section.
3.When is facture used by a company? 
Facture is used by a company when a manager want to give a sallary to their employee.
4.Why must we learn about facture writing? 
We must learn about facture writing because, as acomparison between the results obtained with the value of the invoice.

5.Who does use facture writing in a company?
A secretary uses facture writing in a company.
6.How to write facture writing?
The procedure of facture
writing :
The procedure of facture
writing :
1.The Name of Company
3.Client Name
4.Job Number
6.Phone Number
9.Signature (Optional)


          Exemple Facture

Rabu, 11 Januari 2017

Control System

George Boole born in linhcon England, He discovered logic Boolean. A control system is a device, or set of devices, that manages, commands, directs or regulates the behaviour of other devices or systems. They can range from a home heating controller using a thermostat controlling a boiler to large Industrial control systems which are used for controlling processes or machines.
A basic feedback loop
The term "control system" may be applied to the essentially manual controls that allow an operator, for example, to close and open a hydraulic press, perhaps including logic so that it cannot be moved unless safety guards are in place.
An automatic sequential control system may trigger a series of mechanical actuators in the correct sequence to perform a task. 

In the case of linear feedback systems, a control loop, including sensors, control algorithms and actuators, is arranged in such a fashion as to try to regulate a variable at a setpoint or reference value. An example of this may increase the fuel supply to a furnace when a measured temperature drops. Open-loop control systems do not make use of feedback, and run only in pre-arranged ways.
A control system is a device, or set of devices, that manages, commands, directs or regulates the behaviour of other devices or systems. They can range from a home heating controller using a thermostat controlling a boiler to large Industrial control systems which are used for controlling processes or machines.
An internal lift control panel.

Logic control systems for industrial and commercial machinery were historically implemented at mains voltage using interconnected relays, designed using ladder logic. Today, most such systems are constructed with programmable logic controllers (PLC) or microcontrollers. The notation of ladder logic is still in use as a programming idiom for PLCs.
Logic controllers may respond to switches, light sensors, pressure switches, etc., and can cause the machinery to start and stop various operations. Logic systems are used to sequence mechanical operations in many applications. PLC software can be written in many different ways – ladder diagrams, SFC – sequential function charts or in language terms known as statement lists.
Examples include elevators, washing machines and other systems with interrelated stop-go operations.

Sistem Kontrol

George Boole lahir di linhcon  Inggris, dia menemukan Boolean Logic. Sebuah sistem kontrol perangkat, atau set perangkat, yang mengatur, perintah, mengarahkan atau mengatur kendali perangkat atau sistem lainnya. Mereka dapat berkisar dari pemanasan rumah menggunakan kontroler thermostat mengontrol boiler besar untuk Sistem Kontrol Industri mana yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan mesin atau Proses.
Sebuah umpan balik dasar
Istilah "sistem kontrol" dapat diterapkan untuk tangan dasarnya kontrol memungkinkan operator itu, misalnya, untuk menutup dan membuka press hidrolik, Termasuk logika sehingga tidak dapat untuk dipindahkan KECUALI penjaga keamanan di tempat.
Sebuah sistem kontrol sekuensial otomatis bisa memicu serangkaian aktuator mekanik dalam urutan yang benar untuk melakukan tugas. Misalnya, berbagai transduser listrik dan pneumatik  lipat dan lem kotak kardus, mengisinya dengan produk dan kemudian segel itu di mesin kemasan otomatis. Programmable Logic Controller digunakan dalam banyak kasus: seperti esta, tapi beberapa teknologi alternatif yang ada.

Dalam kasus sistem umpan balik linear, loop, Bertindak sebagai kontrol algoritma sensor kontrol dan aktuator, yang diatur dalam mode mencoba seperti untuk Mengatur variabel pada setpoint atau nilai referensi. Contoh esta Semoga Meningkatkan pasokan bahan bakar untuk tungku Ketika suhu Diukur tetes. kontroler PID yang umum dan efektif dalam kasus-kasus: seperti esta. Bahwa sistem kontrol mencakup beberapa penginderaan hasil Mereka mencoba untuk Mencapai membuat penggunaan umpan balik dan dapat, sampai batas tertentu, beradaptasi dengan berbagai Keadaan. sistem kontrol loop terbuka tidak menggunakan umpan balik, dan hanya berjalan dengan cara yang telah diatur.
Sebuah sistem kontrol perangkat, atau set perangkat, yang Mengatur, perintah, mengarahkan atau Mengatur Perilaku perangkat atau sistem lainnya. Mereka dapat berkisar dari pemanasan rumah menggunakan kontroler thermostat mengontrol boiler besar untuk Sistem Kontrol Industri mana yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan mesin atau Proses.

Sebuah panel kontrol angkat internal.
Sistem Pengendalian logika untuk Industri dan mesin komersial historis Apakah Diimplementasikan pada tegangan listrik saling berhubungan menggunakan relay, dirancang menggunakan logika tangga. Hari ini, PALING Sistem seperti ini dibangun Dengan pengendali programmable logic (PLC) atau mikrokontroler. Notasi logika tangga ini masih digunakan sebagai idiom pemrograman untuk PLC.
logic controller mungkin Menanggapi tombol, sensor cahaya, saklar tekanan, dll, dan dapat menyebabkan mesin untuk memulai dan menghentikan berbagai operasi. sistem logika yang digunakan untuk urutan operasi mekanis dalam banyak aplikasi. software PLC dapat ditulis dalam berbagai cara - diagram tangga, SFC - berurutan bahasa fungsi grafik atau dalam istilah Dikenal sebagai daftar pernyataan.
Contohnya termasuk lift, mesin cuci dan Sistem saling berhubungan lainnya dengan operasi stop-go

Build 5W +1H Sentences

1.What is a control system?
A control system is a device, or set of devices, that manages, commands, directs or regulates the behaviour of other devices or systems.
2.Why does control system use?
Because,historically implemented at mains voltage using interconnected relays, designed using ladder logic.
3.When does machinery start and stop various operation?
Logic controllers may respond to switches light sensors,pressure switches,etc,and can cause the machinery to start and stop various operations
4.Who discovered Boolean logic?
George Boole
5.Where was George Boole born?
6.How did control system apply?
May be applied to the essentially manual controls that allow an operator, for example, to close and open a hydraulic press, perhaps including logic so that it cannot be moved unless safety guards are in place.

List Verbal And Nominal Sentences

-The term "control system" may be applied to the essentially manual controls that allow an operator, for example, to close and open a hydraulic press, perhaps including logic so that it cannot be moved unless safety guards are in place.
-They can range from a home heating controller using a thermostat controlling a boiler to large Industrial control systems which are used for controlling processes or machines.
-Control systems that include some sensing of the results they are
trying to achieve are making use  of feedback and so can, to some extent, adapt to varying circumstances.
-An automatic sequential control system may trigger a series of mechanical actuators in the correct sequence to perform a task.
-Programmable logic controllers are used in many cases such as this, but several alternative technologies exist.
 -They can range from a home heating controller using a thermostat controlling a boiler to large Industrial control systems which are used for controlling processes or machines.

-A control system is a device, or set of devices.

Identify Tenses

Simple past tense
He discovered logic Boolean
S          V2                O
Reason : Because tell the event in the past

Logic control systems for industrial and commercial machinery were
  S                                To be
implemented at mains voltage using 
interconnected relays
Reason: because sentence tell the event in the past

Present Tense
Logic systems are used to sequence mechanical operations in
             S     To be   V3                            O

Reason : Because tell the event in the present


Conclusion of the above presentation George Boolean create or find something that makes work easier for example, lift and washing machine using control logic PLC.